Trillions of body cells work together to create the human organism.  Each cell breathes, eats, eliminates, produces energy, builds structures, communicates, reproduces, then dies. Lab assessments are helpful in evaluating health from the cellular to the systemic.  Tests can help diagnose current imbalances and detect predispositions to many chronic conditions.

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I have a discounted cash-pay arrangement with both labs. Prices are usually a quarter of the amount billed to you or your insurance company. This service is especially beneficial for those without insurance or with high deductibles or if you want to have testing done more frequently than your insurance plan allows.

A 16-test panel assessing cholesterol, red and white blood cell count, liver, kidney, thyroid function, and urine analysis is only $82. This would normally billed to you or your insurance company for $250 or more.  There are hundreds of tests available at such discounted rates.


SpectraCell is an accredited clinical laboratory that offers advanced tests for assessment of nutritional deficiencies and cardiovascular risk. SpectraCell also provides diagnostic analysis in the emerging fields of anti-aging medicine and genetic testing.


Sanesco Health is an international biomedical firm that works exclusively with licensed health care providers. Its services include neuro-endocrine testing, non-drug nutritional support formulas, and clinical reviews.


Genova Diagnostics is a global specialty clinical laboratory, offering more than 125 specialized diagnostic assessments, covering a wide range of physiological areas including digestion, immunology, metabolic function, and endocrinology.


Doctor's Data  specializes in toxic heavy metal testing,  nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal function, cardiovascular risk and metabolic abnormalities.


Diagnos-Tech is a pioneer and leader in saliva-based testing with over 1.2 million specimens tested per year. Saliva testing is a powerful tool for evaluating stress, hormone-related disease and health conditions. 


Boston Heart goes beyond the “good” and “bad” cholesterol assessment for a more complete picture of cardiovascular risk and chronic care management. Their comprehensive testing offers advanced lipid tests, including inflammatory and genetic markers, LDL/HDL particle size and number, along with hormonal influences. Their visual illustrated reports help make complicated information understandable.


The GI-MAP stool test utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide a true DNA/PCR-based stool analysis which provides information regarding the microbiota (gut bacteria) and how it relates to many inflammatory, autoimmune, metabolic, cardiovascular, and chronic diseases.


Cyrex laboratory specializes in functional immunology and autoimmunity. It offers multi-tissue antibody testing for the early detection and monitoring of today’s complex autoimmune conditions. Cyrex has developed innovative panels through collaboration with experts in medical research and clinical practice.